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Voices of the Village
Wisdom is defined as the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. We will utilize "Voices of the Village" to showcase wisdom from wise and wonderful parents.
This Months Voice...
Conni Mancini
"In parenting don’t worry about being perfect… or getting it all right…remember that patience is most important!!!"- Connie Mancini
Conni Mancini
"In parenting don’t worry about being perfect… or getting it all right…remember that patience is most important!!!"- Connie Mancini
Joyce Moseley
"Support and look out for each other. Care for family and extended family, and be accepting.
Cynthia Brennen
"Parents: Entitlement breeds envy, greed and restlessness….adversity produces resilience, confidence, and strength."
Mary Anna Tucker
"Work hard, be honest and one day you will be rewarded. Never give up on your dream." -Mary Anna Tucker
Esterline Huggins
“Embrace adversity, above all be true to yourself.”
Rosalba Guadalupe Del Campo Mendez
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Vierge Anne Bonhomme
You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. Deuteronomy 15:10
Eugenia Mae Carroll
"Spare the rod and spoil the child!"
Roosevelt Milton
A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn. ⁃Roosevelt Milton
Patricia Milton
“My granddaughters’ lives have always been my focal point. I hope and pray that all grandparents take an interest in the opportunity to be involved in their grandkids' lives.”
-Patricia Milton
-Patricia Milton
Eric Wilson
"Spend a lot of time with your children and as they grow up guide them through different life experiences."
Margaret Turnquest-Dean
"Spare the rod, spoil the child"
Bertha Dean
"Parents, cherish your little ones. Keep God in everything and He will show you how to handle every situation."
Neaker Wallace
"On relationships: Love the person who loves you."
Margaret Turnquest-Dean
"Spare the rod, spoil the child"
Trang Thi Nguyen
"Treat people with your warm heart. And treat others how you would like to be treated."
Evans Alonzo Godwin
"You have more advantages than disadvantages in life, depending on your choices."
Neville Gillette
"Parents should work together in a partnership, both knowing how to change, feed, and soothe the children."
Haroldine Robinson
Wisdom is defined as the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. "Voices of the Village" is utilized to showcase wisdom from wise and wonderful parents
Merline Lightbourne
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Prov 27:13-14
Prov 27:13-14
Shirley Greene
Train up your children, grow with your children, then you'll learn from your children....if you trained well.
Miriam Padovani
Parents teach your children respect, good manors and love. Children respect your parents and it will become natural to respect other adults and authority. Above all, PRAY!
Ishmael Lightbourne Sr.
“Fathers, don’t make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord.”
Ephesians 6:4
Ephesians 6:4
Helen Godwin
God will never put more on you than you can handle. Trust in him and he will lead you.
Florence Villedrouin
Our responsibility is to teach children the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. To assist them and guide them all the time, so that they make the best choice for themselves and their families.
Bill & Dominique Holbrook
"Parents need to remember that children are great observers and imitators. When they see their parents consistently face difficult decisions and circumstances with courage, calm, prayer, and trust in God, they become grounded and develop coping mechanisms for the challenges they will face. Instilling God-Confidence in our children is one of the best gifts we can possibly give them. We are called to be imitators of God (Ephesians 5: 1-2). Let us model humility, obedience, honesty, patience, kindness, and repentance for our children and live in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ."
Mario Moya
First, you instill in your children the three Divine Principles, as God is our creator; he created the land and the skies. As Proverbs 22:6 says, Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. As young as 3 years old, if not younger, children start to develop who they are and it's when they being to awaken. I would say don't ever physically abuse your children, as there is never a justification for that. Physical punishment only leads them to become violent themselves. It would be best to give them good advice or play with them in a way to teach a lesson. Lastly, always advocate the importance of being educated and learning as much as possible
Catherine Benjamin
"As a young woman at 25 years of age, I had to learn quickly what being a mother was meant to be. I married a widowed man who had 10 children (2 girls and 8 boys). Together we had two more kids (1 girl and 1 boy). So with 12 kids I wanted to be a wonderful mother to all and love them all equally; I learned to fiercely and unconditionally. Remember to praise and reward your kids when they do well and encourage, support and uplift them when they face challenges. Love them unconditionally ensuring there is much patience. You have to be selfless. Above all, raise them in the light of Christ instilling them God's love and grace. You have to give your all and then give them to God. It's been challenging but most rewarding. I have been blessed and I thank God for this beautiful opportunity to mold and raise these kids in God's love and light."
Peter Gordon Martin
“Be deliberate in your affection to your children. My eldest has told me that my hugs and kisses, even as an ornery teenager, are what gave her a sense of self-worth. Love on them, no matter how tired you are or how annoyed they may seem. You’re planting seeds.”
Roselle Smith
"Children... obey your parents so your days may be long".
Veronica Pintard
Family is EVERYTHING... So be kind, always share and love one another.
Dr. Sandra Sherman
Invest your life in loving and training your children, then you will see your adult children thrive and walk uprightly. Additionally, work rigorously to break generational curses
Rev. Marcia Beam
"Allow God to be number one in your life, and learn to LISTEN more and think about what children are saying." - Rev. Marcia Beam"Allow God to be number one in your life, and learn to LISTEN more and think about what children are saying."
Linda Carroll
"Parents should love."
Gloria Melendez
Mothering is being happy knowing that you gave part of your life and may have sacrificed things like furthering your education and entertainment to raise good, respecting, and hard working children. You get to feel happy being a parent to good children who followed the example you led them by.
Delores Cooper
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6
Vyreen Bain
"Please pray for your children.”
Judy Munroe
"You are the mirror! Be careful what you do and say. Let your reflection be positive!.”
Grafton O. Ifill Sr., QPM
"Making the rules is only a part of it. We must enforce the rules."
Cherie Turner
"Parenting is tough, but God ordained."
Julia Thompson
"Teach, don't preach"
Joyce Ifill
"Bend the tree while it's young. In every area that you can as you parent and especially through the discipline process, 'nip it in the bud'. (To suppress or destroy something, especially at an early age.)"
Naomi Seymour
"Not all mothers and fathers are parents. You become a mother or father because you birthed or adopted a child. Parenting is something you do even if you didn't bring any children into the world."
Alan Lane
"The goal of parenting is to get your desired results, so remember to utilize even the 'play times' as your training ground, because as a parent you are called to train...and some of us believe we should 'train up'."
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