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Cleft  of the Rock Origin

As the great demand for a more permanent, long term, and broader base for family strengthening in our communities became apparent, the process to start a more sustainable plan developed, and the Cleft of the Rock Foundation, Inc. began.  Its mission is “To help abused and abandoned children and struggling families improve their circumstances through education, life-coaching proper shelter, nourishment and work.”  On April 26th, 2018, a 501c(3) was awarded, and volunteers were immediately brought on as board members to help with the formulation of an organization that would seek to raise the awareness for the need for parent education, provide parent training and to provide support to children and families.


In May of 2018 we launched our first annual shoe drive, the result of which we collected almost 3000 pairs of shoes all summer, with the help of over 100 volunteers, and then sent the shoes to organizations seasoned in helping people start their own businesses or prepare for jobs and job interviews.  This proved extremely successful and it also made many people aware of Cleft of the Rock Foundation, Inc. and its mission.


Our first initiative is what we now call ''Conversations on Parenting" (COP), where we provide an atmosphere for round table discussions of pertinent issues among adults. These small group meetings are hosted in homes, and are usually in the form of a “potluck” style. We hosted our first COP on August, 12, 2018, and served over 80 people in the first six months. One of the areas discussed is parenting in today's society. Any person who has parented, is parenting, or plans to parent is welcome. This is a forum where honesty and learning prevail, and a safe community is created. Individual coaching sessions are also available, as well as referrals to outside resources for further help. 


We then introduced our second initiative, “Parenting on Purpose" (POP), a tried and tested nine-week video series, by Dr. Bob Barnes, that teaches and strengthens parenting skills. Each video is about 45 minutes long, there is a workbook to follow along with, and thought provoking questions at the end that lead to a hearty discussion and a call to action. We meet in homes, libraries, and virtually. We introduced this program to 10 persons within the first month.


It is our desire to launch our program for men only, called “Focus on Fathers” (FOF), which provides forums that are safe for fathers to learn, grow and thrive, and also include opportunities to celebrate them. We also offer “Parents Night Out” (PNO), that allows parents to have a safe place to leave their kids, while they are strengthening their marriage and have adult time. It is our hope that the aforementioned programs will ignite and sustain the “Rebuilding of The Village."



Cleft of the Rock Foundation has a vision to build “Communities where families are strong and children are safe through the love and support of deliberate parenting.” We pray that future generations will say that this organization is the start of how "The village was rebuilt", and parenting became a community effort.  Grandparents, extended families, mom, dads, neighbors, teachers and community leaders (policemen) all worked together to raise responsible adults, who are marriageable and employable, and able to raise generations of people who will make our world better. It made citizens take responsibility for their own decisions by going to the source, instead of blaming the issues on everything other than the real problems. It instituted preventative measures instead of constant avenues to cure societies’ issues.  That this foundation created avenues for all citizens to address pertinent historical, racial, spiritual, educational, and financial issues that were preventing societies from successfully reaching their highest potential.  It gave our world these strong communities, great neighborhoods, fair educational systems, balanced families, present parents, and disciplined, happy kids


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